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LED content & scoring animation packages:



  • Price per lane per month
  • FREE when buying our LED
  •  Consists of 1 hour+ loopable video content for your LED screen
  •  Non updated

See Regular Package



  •  Price per lane per month
  •  Contains all from the Regular package plus;
  •  Updated every 3 months; new loop videos and a theme video like 'Cities'
  • Integrating your Stelpads with custom backgrounds
Grab Silver Package!


  • Price per lane per month
  •  The Silver package, plus; 
  • Monthly new loop and theme videos
  • Updated custom Stelpad backgrounds
  •  Custom promovideo of your center on LED! (ask us)
Check Gold Package!



  •  Price per lane per month
  •  Updated video with scoring animation on LED
  •  Unique animations and content!
  •  Included with starter themes
  •  Compatible with most scoring systems
Go Infinity!

Our Easy Experience contains the ultimate bowling experience in several tiers. Regular, Silver and Gold packages can be used with LED, while Easy Infinity needs updated Steltronic software ánd LED. Packages are available for all budgets or any wishes, our LED wall starts from € 4.200 per lane (on 2m height).

Team Bowl-Easy

Worldwide Bowlingsupplier

 Regular Experience

The loopable content of the Regular Experience Package varies from children videos like cartoons, to nature or urban film. Each video can be played in an infinite loop, and you can mix them aswell. If you purchase our Bowl-Easy LED, then the Regular Experience Package will be free of charge. Note that we will make the content in the exact size of your LED screen, the regular content in non-updatable. If you want more variation and content, we suggest to look towards our other well-priced packages.

Custom static LED masking

For moments when the LED animations don’t play, you’ll have a custom screen!


Loop content

The one hour+ video package consists of Fireworks, Happy Airplane, Mountains and much more!

 Silver Experience 


With the Silver Experience Package you’ll get everything from the Regular Package, but with important additions: 
• Updated every 3 months with new loop videos and a theme video (short loopable movies like ‘Cities’, ‘Christmas’ or ‘Halloween’.
• Integrating your Stelpads with custom background (logo, pictures etc.)
• € 12,00 per lane per month.

Custom Stelpad

We can also make you a custom Stelpad background, and implement it (if you have Steltronic Scoring).


Apart from the regular loopable content, Silver also brings you themed content like 'Halloween', 'Cities' and 'Christmas'.

 Gold Experience 


The best of the content packages; our Gold Experience Package contains everything from the Silver Package, including:
Monthly new loop and theme videos!
• Updated custom Stelpad backgrounds (for example 'Christmas' or 'Halloween')
• Get a custom promovideo of your center on your LED!*
• € 17,50 per lane per month.

*Deliver us good video footage of your center, get a good promovideo!

Monthly updated

You'll get new loop films and theme video's on a monthly basis, so your customers will get the best experience due to our most complete package!


Custom video

For the Gold Package, we provide the most custom LED service. With not only monthly new video's, we also create a custom LED video with your bowlingcenter as the centerpoint. We only need good materials, so we can take care of the magic! See an example of the Gold Package below:

 Infinity Package 


Our unique LED with Scoring integration, we offer the best pricing and deliver the greatest (custom) animations!
• LED videos with animated scoring interactions, bumper LED and Stelpad customisation.
• Immediate action, as the LED follows the ball. When the ball hits the pins (or gutter); you'll get a scoring animation matching with the LED content!
• We supply several Infinity Packages; like SPACE theme, DUNGEON theme, and we are working on more themes like INFERNO and ARCADE
• € 23,00 per lane per month.

Infinity Themes

You'll get new loop films and theme video's on a monthly basis, so your customers will get the best experience due to our most complete package!

Infinity example

For the Gold Package, we provide the most custom LED service. With not only monthly new video's, we also create a custom LED video with your bowlingcenter as the centerpoint. We only need good materials, so we can take care of the magic! See an example of the Gold Package below: